Wednesday, April 1, 2009

PR Fail: When PR folks target the wrong side of the fence

It's a true Maisieism to say social media only works when PR people target the right people. There's no sense asking a dad who blogs to write about breast pumps, is there? So, did David know my religious beliefs and political leaning before sending out this email to me? The answer is no, because Jews don't usually promote Christian products, and liberals don't usually support conservative agendas. Both of these pieces of information are in my bio.

Let's start with the plus: David got my name right!

Hi Maisie,

In her latest post, “Bad Mom” Caron Guillo explores the plethora of websites popping up, dedicated to what has been dubbed “Momshells.”

(I'm all for positive images of a variety of women...but I read on to see what this self-dubbed "Bad Mom" had to say about the issue...)

“On behalf of moms everywhere,” Caron says, “I’d like to suggest we overthrow the traditional definition of ‘sexy,’ staging a vocabulary coup, if you will. Is it not bad enough that the term ‘Desperate Housewives’ has been hijacked by Hollywood?”

(Honestly, I don't have a problem with that. I'm happy for Hollywood to co-op the term because the show is amusing and it sucks all substance from the term, which, actually, I hate.)

Caron gets things started by throwing out a few suggestions, in hopes that others will follow suit.

“Bad Mom” Redefining ‘Sexy’

A Sexy Mom:

1. Laughs. A lot.
2. Is smart.
3. Can run a vacuum with a baby on her hip.
4. Plans awesome vacations on a tight budget.
5. Is brave.
6. Puts makeup on three days out of seven.
7. Teaches her kids pretend languages.
8. Takes her children out in the middle of the night to watch meteor showers. And packs hot chocolate.
9. Works to support the family.
10. Stays home to raise the kids.

(Not too bad. If you don't take it too literally, or think too hard about #s 9 and 10.)

You can find the article in its entirety at Please feel free to link to the post.

(Ah ha. New Christian Voices. I've heard from them before. This is one of those "make it hip and appealing and sucker in people to getting on board the conservative bandwagon while pretending to be mainstream and fun." Butter me up as victimized by that radical set in Hollywood and "empower" me to take back the term sexy, after stripping all the sex out of it, of course.)

If you’d like more information, please contact me at 646.452.6418 or

Thanks and best,


(No thanks, David. You hit the wrong target here. As I said above, Jewish, and liberal. I like to read Vogue, and not necessarily just at the hairdresser's. It's not in my interest or in my interests to promote this. Hint to other PR folk: Get a list of bloggers from a known conservative or Christian site. Make sure you know to whom you are writing.)

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