Monday, April 6, 2009

Conservative/Religious PR People: Harrassing the Non-Believers? Or Just TOO LAZY to target their pitch?

I'm in the middle of Passover prep, so of course, I am delighted to receive more pitches of a conservative/Christian religious bent:

News for your blog: An Important April 9th Deadline could put your OB/Gyn's job at risk

On April 9, 2009, the government will close the debate on an issue that could be important to many of your friends, family and local physician’s careers. This past month, the new administration officially began the process to overturn a Health and Human Service regulation that provides protection for healthcare workers from pressure or intimidation to perform medical procedures that go against one’s conscience. This regulation is also known as the conscience clause and protects all healthcare workers, not just doctors.

OK. If the person who sent me this pitch had ever read my blog, she would KNOW that I am pro-choice and very much in favor of birth control, and I do not support policies that make it harder for women to obtain these services. I APPLAUD the end of this crappy Bush-era policy and I won't lift a finger to help this woman's organization gather signatures for their petition.

Of course, they have a right to advocate their point of view. But people: TARGET YOUR AUDIENCE. MAJOR PR FAIL.

The next pitch in my inbox sounded sort of interesting at first:

Good Morning,

Battlefield of the Mind DVD is helping parents, singles and teens overcome negative thought patterns and live a life and thought life filled with joy! A great resource for your readers.

OK. I am not usually one for self-help material - but that doesn't mean I don't need a little assistance in that area. The DVD is from a "best selling author" named Joyce Meyer, and because I don't pay attention to that part of the bookstore, she could be number one on the New York Times list for all I know. So I'll read on:

SUMMARY: The book that has helped millions is now an essential DVD! Derived from the popular book, Battlefield of the Mind, New York Times bestselling author and speaker, Joyce Meyer, will teach you how to overcome negative thoughts and become responsible for your own joy. The Battlefield of the Mind DVD helps transform your thinking with four life changing sessions: What's Been On Your Mind Lately?, Think About What You Are Thinking About, What Would Jesus Think? and Thinking Your Way Out of Bondage.

HELLO. What Would Jesus Think?

I'll tell you what I think: I think these people don't even CARE that I already have a religious faith of my own (and one that Jesus thought was good enough for him, by the way). I appreciate that evangelicals feel it is their duty to save as many poor souls as possible by spreading their word. I just wish they would appreciate the fact that it irritates the hell out of all of the rest of us.

Yes, I should ask to be taken off their lists -- but if my conspiracy theory is correct, that will just spur them on to send more more of this stuff. Better to ignore... and vent my ire here.

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